Alcohol is pretty dangerous thing. And unfortunately, even perfect people, (like me) are not resistant.
Worst combination ever is alcohol and being GL of wow guild. And you can make worst thing even worse in this case. Get drunk and come online.
GL influenced by tons of beer, is something you dont want to meet in dark alley.
To make it worse, lets say he is even pissed.
So in fact, we have very drunk GL, seriously pissed and he is going online.
Huricane is bad? Not really
[Guild][GLDeath]: Hey noobs.
Trial mage has been kicked out of guild by GLDeath
[Guild][Member]: Wtf. Whats up Death?
Member has been kicked out of guild by GLDeath
Now that was silence :D
Few minutes nothing in gchat.
[Guild][GLsfavouritemember]: Death why you kicked him?
[Guild][GLDeath]: He whispered me. Not in mood for whispers.
[Guild][GLsfavouritemember]: ... u are sick
[Guild][GLDeath]: indeed i am
GLsfavouritemember has been kicked out of guild by GLDeath.
Ye in fact its not problem to kick someone.
Funny part of it is to explain it next day. Its like explaining to your mother why you killed your own father.
Ok its not. But anyway its funny :D
[GLDeath]: Hey mate, wanna talk a bit?
[GLsfavouritemember]: not really, what you want
[GLDeath]: Come back to guild, i didnt want to kick ya
[GLsfavouritemember]: Not really, u kicked me. Without word
[GLDeath]: Thats true. I was drunk. Sorry (Something little has died inside me after that word)
[GLsfavouritemember]: Wow u really said sorry? Ok invite me if you want
GLsfavouritemember has joined the guild.
[Guild][GLsfavouritemember]: Hey again guys. You wont believe me.
GLsfavouritemember has been kicked out of guild by GLDeath.
Ye sad, i said sorry to him and he was about to broadcast it in radio or so.
Yes, drinking is bad. But whatever, wow is still just game right?
Worst about alcohol is the day after. At work.
And yes i was drinking yesterday so i feel like hit by the truck.
Signing off
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1 comment:
I tried to take you home, you fucked me up and your priest fucked me up too :))
it has a name... Alkoholism
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