Thursday, May 15, 2008


Yea, who are trials.

Trials is a person that you believe in.

Trial is a person that wants to be member of your guild for some reason.

Therefore you could think that he will do all to not to fail his trial period.

He comes to guild, horny for raiding, gets into first raid.

Raid is not very succesfull, mainly because of trials.

Next day, trial not online for raid. Without word.

Next day trial not online for raid. Somethings wrong right?

What can you do? Kick.



Invite 3 new trials

You can be sure you ll have to kick two of them np.

So now tell me guys. Why someone applies to guild, if he doesnt want to play with them.

Just to be in? Just to guild name over his head?

Or to have some imbalanced feeling that, hell yeah i am in good guild.

Hell guys, dont even try to apply to my guild.

You ll get kicked with speed of light. And piss me more and you ll get banned.

Got friend GM. So beware!! And start playing finaly :D

Yours Death

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