Monday, April 14, 2008

Funny people

Yea people are strange. And sometimes even funny.

It happens often that you talk to strangers as GL of raiding guild.

And really often, they are freaky strange.

One conversation really sticked in my mind.

[Strange dude]: Hey man you have time to chat a little?
[GLDeath]: Not rly but shoot
[Strange dude]: Well you see, i am looking for a guild
[GLDeath]: Grats. And?
[Strange dude]: Well i decided that i ll join your guild
[GLDeath]: U sure? Maybe you should ask someone first about it.
[Strange dude]: Why? Just invite me.
[GLDeath]:, go there, read rules, post application and wait for answer
[Strange dude]: I have been there alrdy.
[GLDeath]: So?
[Strange dude]: Go there and answer my aplication.
[GLDeath]: Yea sure, lol.

Somehow, this guy rly thought that i ll go there and read his apply while leading raid, when we had lady on 8% that night.

Do you think he got invited to guild?
Not really :P

I always dreamed about acces to some of GMs powers. For example to change location of players. Would be really extremely funny.


[Tardzor spammer]: Heya, got a while?
[GLDeath]: Sure thing what you need?

`Tardzor spammer was teleported to onyxia lair`
Onyxia engages.
`Tardzor spammer was slain by Onyxia`

Yeah, thats something i would do to them. Mianly during raid times. Would be like, preset, that if someone whispers me while i am in raid, this would go by default.

It would be bad? Nah just a little release for me :DDD


1 comment:

Lorelei said...

lazy bastardo. note- work on the page looks, its terrible :P