Monday, April 21, 2008

Player you want in raid

Well ok.

To be honest, except of myself, there are only few people on this world like this.

Maybe more, but i dont know about them, so i dont care.

It is obvious, that one of them is my very good real life friend.

In fact, he is a bit autistic in compare to me. He has few lvl 70s, but his main is priest.

And that guy shows me in every raid how much my healers suck.

If priest out heals everyone in raid with about 5-10% difference, something is wrong i would say.

And you can bet something is wrong, when he wins heal meter in shadow spec.

That guy is imbalanced, or crazy. I ll leave it up to you to choose.

My biggest problem is, that i cant afford to kick him really.

Last time in pub, we have argued a little and i told him:

[GLDeath]: Noob i ll kick you as fast as i am home.
[Tris]: Do you promise?
[GLDeath]: ...

Well ye, you see. I cant even kick him.

Anyway. He is one of persons you want to have in raid. His problem is, that he refuses to be more than member after some argues with officers in past(Yes i also have officers).

And you can imagine that he is not making life of CLs easy. Thats for sure.

Example, any new boss, after few wipes and if he see that there is no real chance to kill him next try, he just wont use consumables. At least not all.

And that makes CLs and officers really pissed.

[Officerchat][Officer1]: All flasked and fully buffed up?
[Officerchat][GLDeath]: Yes i think so. (Yes i knew he is not), We are going.
[Officerchat][Officer1]: Wait a second. Tris dont have flask, only oil and food on him i see.
[Officerchat][GLDeath]: Youre bugged, i see flask on him. Lets go
[Officerchat][Officer2]: No, i cant see it too. Sec i ll tell him to use it.
[Officerchat][GLDeath]: Yea, right, good luck

One minute later

[Officerchat][Officer2]: $##*% %$&#^#^ $#^&#^# arogant bastard
[Officerchat][GLDeath]: Ok i guess we can go :P

Ye maybe someone would kick him, but without this guy, i have no real Healer in raid.

So in general. There are people, that are really worth to have in guild and raid,
Even if they are maybe little pain in your #$%.

Signign off
GL Death

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must want something from Tris really much Death.:D
